Dulce como un te quiero written by Marina Montero and published by Penguin Random House España. ISBN: 978-84-488-3941-3 Here are the illustrations I created for the book back in 2014 El oso chiquitín se desperezó aún adormilado y bostezó dos veces. Olfateó el aire buscando el aroma del desayuno y fue entonces cuando se preguntó por primera vez qué era aquel olor que le envolvía allá donde estuviese. El oso chiquitín y el oso grandote salieron de la madriguera en busca de aquel olor tan especial. Y en el bosque olía a resina, y a miel, y a avellanas y a lluvia, y a fuego... pero ninguno de esos era el olor que buscaba el oso chiquitín. Más tarde, cuando la luna asome por el horizonte y el oso chiquitín se acurruque soñoliento en los cálidos brazos del oso grandote, descubrirá que el aroma del amor es dulce como un te quiero. English translation: Little bear, still sleepy, stretched and yawned twice. He sniffed the air for the smell of breakfast. What was that smell that enveloped him? Little bear and Big bear leave the den and go in search of a very special aroma. They discover many smells- tree resin, hazelnuts, honey, apples, rain, and fire ... but none of these are the right smell. Evening, when the moon peeks over the horizon and the Little bear snuggles sleepily in the warm arms of the big bear, he realises that it wasn't really a smell he was sensing, it was the sweetest thing of all - love! ¡Buenas noches!
It's Snorey Time written by neuro-linguistics expert Catherine Pybus together with her poet mother Meg. "It's Snorey time" uses advanced language patterns to help send children to sleep. Meet the Snoreys - Mummy, Daddy, Mop, Snuggle, Snuffle and Pignut. This family of dormice love to sleep, all except the youngest, Pignut. Instead, he goes on an adventure around the forest and discovers the dormouse-written 'Secret Book of Sleep'. Reading it, Pignut finally drops off. Underlying this delightful tale is a secret weapon for exhausted parents - the story is written using simple neurolinguistic techniques, designed to have a soporific effect on the listener. Also includes an audio version of the tale. Here are the character sketches I did for It's Snorey Time. I think that it's a real shame that these characters weren't carried over into a book series.
Happy New Year to you, whoever you are! Let's crack on with the blog posts for 2021!
Character study sketches number five- Charlie and Farley (Farley's the pooch). There were two Charlie and Farley books. 'The Temple of the Monkey King' and 'The Island of Dinosaurs'. Now, sadly, out-of-print. I'd love to work on a title like this again, it was so much fun hiding all the dinosaurs and the monkeys throughout the two books. |
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